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About Us

Journey Community Church is a new church in North Fontana committed to being in our community for our community. We are part of Transformation Ministries—a growing movement of covenanting churches, submitted to biblical authority, and empowering each other to effectively reach their worlds for Jesus Christ through leader development, church health, and kingdom multiplication.

Our Beliefs

We believe the one true creator, God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—loves all people. Therefore, we will love God.

We believe God the holy Father created all people in His image and pursues a loving relationship with everyone. Therefore, we will love all people.


We believe God the Son, Jesus Christ, lived a sinless human life, died and rose from the dead making a loving relationship with God possible through faith. Therefore, we will bring all people to Jesus.

We believe God the Holy Spirit reveals God to all people and lives in Christ-followers, transforming and empowering them to be like Jesus. Therefore, we will live like Jesus.


We believe God actively reveals Himself in His Word, the Bible, which provides spiritual nourishment and instruction for holy living. Therefore, we will study, teach and live by the Bible.


We believe the church, God’s community of Christ-followers, exists to serve Him by expanding His Kingdom through loving words and deeds. Therefore, we will love and serve our church, our communities and the world.

We believe worship is the expression of our love for God through which we continuously surrender ourselves to His service. Therefore, we will surrender ourselves in His service.


We believe prayer is intimate communication with God that aligns Christ-followers with God’s will and releases His power to transform people and circumstances. Therefore, we will pray faithfully.





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